Hexagonal Architecture

Hexagonal Architecture, also known as Ports and Adapters Architecture or the Onion Architecture, is an architectural pattern that provides a clean and maintainable way to structure software systems. It promotes separation of concerns, testability, and flexibility. In this article, we will dive into the details of Hexagonal Architecture, its components, benefits, and use cases.

What is Hexagonal Architecture?

Hexagonal Architecture is a software design pattern that focuses on separating the core business logic from the external dependencies and infrastructure concerns. It places the business logic at the center of the architecture, surrounded by various layers for inputs, outputs, and adapters.

The architecture revolves around the concept of ports and adapters. Ports define the interfaces that the core business logic uses to communicate with external components or services. Adapters, on the other hand, implement the actual mechanisms for accessing those external components or services.

Components of Hexagonal Architecture

Hexagonal Architecture comprises the following key components:


The core component of Hexagonal Architecture contains the business logic, entities, and domain-specific rules. It represents the heart of the application and should not depend on any specific technology or framework. The core defines ports as interfaces that allow communication between the core component and external actors.


Ports act as the interfaces through which the core communicates with the external world. They define the input and output boundaries of the system. There are two types of ports:

  • Primary Ports: Also known as driving or inbound ports, they represent the entry points into the core business logic. They are implemented by the external components, such as user interfaces or API controllers, which trigger the execution of the core functionality.
  • Secondary Ports: Also known as driven or outbound ports, they represent the exits from the core business logic. They are responsible for interacting with external services or data sources, such as databases, web services, or third-party APIs.


Adapters provide the implementations for the ports defined in Hexagonal Architecture. They encapsulate the interactions with external dependencies and infrastructure. There are two types of adapters:

  • Primary Adapters: They implement the primary ports and handle the communication between the core and the external actors. For example, an HTTP server can implement a primary adapter to receive requests and invoke the core business logic.
  • Secondary Adapters: They implement the secondary ports and handle the specific interactions with external services or data sources. For example, a database adapter can implement the secondary adapter and provide the necessary functionality to store or retrieve data.

Benefits of Hexagonal Architecture

Hexagonal Architecture offers several benefits:


By separating the core business logic from the external dependencies, testing becomes easier. Mock or fake adapters can be used during tests to isolate the core logic from external components. This enables comprehensive testing that focuses solely on business rules without the need for complex setup or infrastructure.

Flexibility and Independence

The core of the system remains independent of the external infrastructure and frameworks. This allows for flexibility in adapting to changes or adding new features without affecting the core. It also promotes modularity, enabling the system to evolve and scale more easily.

Separation of Concerns

Hexagonal Architecture clearly separates the different concerns of the system, making it easier to understand and maintain. Each component has a specific responsibility, making the codebase more modular and organized.


Hexagonal Architecture helps in futureproofing by reducing the impact of changes in external components. The core logic remains intact, and only the corresponding adapter needs to be modified to accommodate the change.

Use Cases of Hexagonal Architecture

Hexagonal Architecture can be applied in various scenarios:

  • Web applications: Hexagonal Architecture helps in decoupling the core business logic from the web framework. This makes it easier to adopt new frameworks or scale the application.
  • Microservices: The architecture fits well with the microservices approach, as each microservice can have its own core and adapters.
  • Legacy system integration: Hexagonal Architecture allows for the easy integration of legacy systems by wrapping them with adapters and making them conform to the defined ports.


Hexagonal Architecture is a powerful architectural pattern that promotes separation of concerns, testability, flexibility, and maintainability. It enables clean and modular code by separating the core business logic from external dependencies using ports and adapters. Hexagonal Architecture offers numerous benefits and is well-suited for web applications, microservices, and integration scenarios. By adopting Hexagonal Architecture, developers can build robust and easily maintainable software systems that can evolve with changing requirements and technologies.




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